
IRMAA Certified Planners
Medicare’s IRMAA impacts every retirement plan a Financial Professional creates. Learning how to mitigate it is only available via IRMAA Certified Planners designation

Certification for Long Term Care
Long-Term Care educates professionals in the fields of insurance, financial services, law and accounting about the severe consequences a need for care over an extended period of years would have, not on their client, but on the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of those the client loves.

Key Retirement Solutions
We believe in providing insurance that wraps around your needs comfortably. Begin your journey to stress-free coverage with us now!
The Benefits
of Certification
Our intent is to provide insurance distributors with useful as well as proprietary information that can be used as intellectual capital with your professionals.
Distributors that focus on Medicare Supplements and are interested in expanding their intellectual offering to include information on:
- IRMAA through a proprietary software program
- Medicare and how it interacts with Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration
- Transitioning from a sale of a Medicare Supplement to the impact of a long-term care event, increasing the opportunity for Long-Term Care Insurance
Distributors that do not concentrate on the Medicare market but have the opportunity to increase life, annuity, and LTCi business by providing critical information for the first time on:
- How Medicare interacts with Medicaid and The Veterans Administration
- IRMAA’ impact on high income Social Security retirees and how to properly manage the consequences by use of a proprietary software program
- Those who specialize in Medicare Supplements looking to develop a sustainable referral network of Centers of Influence
- Producers who specialize in life, annuity and LTCi who are interested in generating additional revenue through a comprehensive understanding of Medicare (IRMAA), and Medicaid (Long-Term Care Insurance)